BRIEF: Reconsider the way you look and see. Using a camera you are asked to challenge how we make sense of the world. Using your camera, begin to use the photographic frame, carefully selecting, editing, exploring and revealing your SPACE. Through this personal response, discover reinvent and create a new SPACE. Begin to develop new wats if making sense of the world you have chosen. Consider: light, form, viewpoint, shape, simpliflication, dissection, occupation, repetition, time, magnification, movement, and begin to investigate reinterpretation. Enhance and challenge the audience's undersdtanding of the space.
PROJECT IDEA: My chosen space was the spaces found in between the web of a dreamcatcher. I took the word space literally and discovered a new way of analyzing that space. The spaces in between dreamcatchers are very significant as the Native Americans believed that nightmares will be caught in them if they are hanged over your bed. Today dreamcatchers are not only used to catch good and bad dreams but to also help us understand them. The openings in the dreamcatchers are often viewed as symbolic of the changes that will occur in your life, so the space is important. I used black cloth as a backdrop ad hung the dreamcatcher onto my desk lamp to highlight the shape and form of the spaces.