Monday, January 23, 2012

Communication Design - Country Coffee Cup Design and Poster for Starbucks

For this project we were told to pick a country of our choice to represent a new coffee brand that Starbucks will be introducing. We were supposed to design a coffee cup design as well as a poster design which brings out the true essence of the country. The country I chose to explore further was Jamaica. I chose this country because I am half Jamaican and I also am fond of their famous Blue Mountain coffee that grows in the lush mountains of Jamaica. The taste of Jamaican coffee is sweet and rich, unique and like no other. 

The area in Jamaica which I chose to explore was their traditional dance and their undying love for it. Dancing and music is apart of the everyday life of the Jamaican people. They dance to celebrate, to party, for prayer and for worship. I wanted to bring out this festive and lively atmosphere through my cup and poster design. 

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