Saturday, February 4, 2012

Communication Design: Redesign a Super Hero or Super Villan

For this project we were supposed to choose a comic book hero or villain and establish the character you've chosen through rendering he physical characteristics that define our selected hero or villain. We were supposed to be aware of the costume design and the action pose of the character.

The character I chose was AquaGirl. I wasn't too familiar with many comic book superheroes or villains, but after researching I came to like AquaGirl and thought that I could really work with the water elements of her character. Her initial super powers are being telepathic to marine life, being a superb swimmer and her physique allows her to withstand the crushing pressures under the surface of the water which on land gives her enhanced strength. I re-designed her costume by giving her a purple hair colour, almost resembling the violet colours found in the ocean. I also added finned gloves and finned legs so that she is similar to fish. I also gave her gills and a sea shelled bra so she relates to the ocean. I even gave her an added power in that she can use the forces of water as a weapon.

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